Lego fun

Grace and I had a great afternoon making Lego houses for Daisy, Little Girl, Kitty and two Firemen.  They even got to have lunch and use the toilet.  It was great fun playing with my sweet girl and escaping to a Lego land where firetrucks can come inside houses and cats can be a little heart key ring with a Hello Kitty picture on it.  What a blessing to be able to have this time together.  

Playing on the floor


"Mom" followed by "Grace no touching the oven"


Building a house


Lunch…nom nom – the noise the little people make while eating



  1. Reply
    Stefan van der Walt July 28, 2011

    Hehehe–“the noise the little people make while eating”. Love it!

  2. Reply
    Duncan Drennan July 28, 2011

    It is rather cute. Just surprising how hungry the little people get.

  3. Reply
    Stefan van der Walt July 28, 2011

    One should probably not stick your hand in there while they’re so hungry!

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