Touchy girl

Grace has been particularly touchy lately – going to new places, meeting new people….and even doing familiar things. Looking at the other things she is doing, it appears that she might be in the process of cutting some new teeth, but we know that can be a long drawn out process.

It can be difficult to deal with – like when she cried through most of the birthday party DonnĂ© took her to today – but we do our best and try to prepare her for any new situations (and also for familiar ones). Although she can be a sensitive child, this kind of behaviour is unusual.

I have started to think of her sensitive nature as a potentially good trait. She is quite aware of what is going on around her, and how things and people relate to each other. Grace seems to have a kind of intuitiveness, like she understands what is happening around her. If we are able to help her grow into a secure and confident person, that intuition will help her to understand and relate well to people.

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