Swimming, People Soup and Bread

This afternoon Grace asked me for a pot and the bread tin and when I looked again, she had some measuring cups, a few soup spoons and of course the little people, Kitty, Bear and Pig.  When I asked her what she was making she told me soup.  It was fun just sitting and watching her using kitchen stuff, her little people and her imagination.  Although she didn't say she was making people bread she went through the usual process, even fetching a plastic cover to put over the bread tin to allow it to rise.


Measuring out the the little people, Bear, Kitty and Pig


Wednesday is swimming day, and the last two lessons have gone poorly. Grace had a three lesson break due to being sick. Before the break things were going really well – she was doing well in the water with just the instructor. Last week she did get into the water and did a tiny bit, but we cut it short after too much crying. This week she flat out refused to get in the water with Charlene (even though we have been talking her through it for the last week). We did hang around for a while and Grace slowly settled into being in the area, first throwing her toys into the water, then getting some of the swimming toys out the basket and throwing them in…and then she started to take off her clothes so she could get in the water. She pottered around in the water through the next girl's lesson and the class which followed after that, just generally enjoying herself. When asked if she wanted to do any of the swimming activities she would give a definite, "No," so we left it at that. Right at the end, after getting dressed, she even gave the instructor a hug – quite a different child from when we arrived. We don't really understand how she is right now, but next week we'll be there early so she can potter and hopefully settle before her lesson begins.

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