Story time

The evening routine (from about 17h00) goes something like this….

Supper for Grace (which normally starts well and often ends with us following Grace around feeding her on the go), some bike riding, a walk in the garden (which includes looking over the wall at the neighbours pool, "swinging" on the wash line, picking lemons, and so forth), tidy up time (mostly mom & dad), being chased around the house by dad ("I'm going to catch your bum," – either running or riding her bike), bath time, story time, bed time.

One of my favourite parts of the process is story time. I probably love it because I have very special memories of story time when I was a child (my mom reading "The BFG" to us stands out in particular). I cherish that time with Grace. Now that it is winter we cuddle under a blanket and read as many books as we can before it is time to go to sleep. I saw "The BFG" lying on a table in the library when we were there yesterday, and I really look forward to reading that (and other stories) to Grace.

Story time

Garden walk


Climbing the washing line


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