Being playful

It is good to be playful and having a daughter has definitely increased my playfulness. I think I had lost some of it over the past few years and it has been good to enjoy playing again.

I am very fortunate that I can stop work, walk out of my office and start playing with Grace at the end of a day. We often spend some time in the garden at the end of the day which is sometimes just peaceful garden time (I inspect the garden while Grace potters around), but at other times it is a great chance to play. Yesterday was very precious. Grace was having a great day and was full of life and fun while we played outside.

She ran around the garden with her arms stretched out behind her, loved being dragged around in the washing basket (which is always fun), danced in the washing basket, sung (also in the washing basket), dived on the ground, rolled around, walked around the wash line, drew with chalk and just had fun. It was a small moment in time which was mine to cherish with her and I really loved it.

In the background Spice is eating chicken Grace has just fed him from her snack container…


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