What Sparks Joy For You?

If you read my blogpost a few weeks back, you will know that I have been struggling to come to terms with our tiny budget (post fixed expenses) and the impact it has on our family.  If the last few weeks were my down and depressed weeks, this week has definitely been my contemplative, coming to terms with it week. Yay!

We recently watched the documentary “Minimalism” as well as “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.” And for me the thing that probably stood out the most was the question “what sparks joy for you?”

This comes from Marie Kondo’s “The KonMari Method™  which encourages tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. Thank them for their service – then let them go.”

So with our house feeling somewhat out of control I decided to give the KonMari Method a go, starting with my clothes.  Two black bags of clothes later, a new folding technique for my clothes and I was definitely feeling lighter and happier.  I am slowly making my way through the various rooms, so that everything has a home and that everything is in its home.20190210_1623151074150891.jpg

With minimalism and tidying percolating through me, it got me thinking about my life, the choices I make and whether it really is as simple as asking “does this bring me joy?” and if the answer is no, then to question it and consider an alternative.  So with this in mind I started questioning my choices, starting with a simple question like ” Does the gym spark joy?”   The answer to that particular question is a resounding NO, but asked in a different way “does being healthy, fit and feeling good in my clothes, bring joy?” well then the answer is a definite big YES!

I think in truth this simple test can ignite a happier me. Yes in many ways it’s more complex than one little question, but in actual fact by stopping and questioning my thinking and being intentional about what brings me joy definitely brings me a feeling of contentment, fulfilment and overall happiness.

So my question to you is “what speaks to your heart, and sparks joy for you?”

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