Watch out for those giraffes

Grace has been asking lots of questions about animals and whether they bite people, questions like, “Do lions bite people?” Then you just substitute lions for octopuses, tortoises, dolphins, sharks, tigers and even giraffes. And currently she is also substituting the “bite” for “eat” and we’re having some interesting conversations about what happens to animals that eat people.

As we’re getting out of the car Grace asks, “Do giraffes bite people?” and Donné answers while climbing out and closing her door, “No, Grace, giraffes eat plants.” Grace cries out, “Nooo! The giraffes can’t eat our car!” Somehow plants got lost in translation.

Yesterday Grace was getting some juices off the shelf in the shop and when she came back to the trolley Donné told her she could have one, but she must go and put the other’s back. She goes back to the shelf where another mother has just finished, stretches out her hand with the juice to the mother and says, “I don’t need this one,” with absolute confidence and a total expectation that she would put it back into the right spot on the shelf. She is certainly feeling very comfortable with strangers at the moment (in the good productive kind of way).

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