Things to be grateful for

Adam has been complaining about the sun in his eyes when we’re in the car so we went in search of some sunglasses for all the children. We found a pair for Adam and Grace in one shop, but had to go looking elsewhere for Eli’s.

We found a pair for Eli and on the way to the till Adam spots these bouncy balls with flashy lights inside of them and really wants one. We’d just spent money on sunglasses for them and said no, which made him super unhappy, but that is just how it goes sometimes.

We always pray together in the evenings and mostly we say thank you for the blessings of the day. Tonight I say to Adam, “What do you want to say thank you for?” He says, “I’m not going to say thank you because I didn’t get the glow in the dark ball.” So I say, “Well, you did get sunglasses and we can’t take them back now.” And he’s like, “I’ll take the sunglasses back and use my jacket to cover my eyes.”

Oh the poor sweet boy, he is just so desperate for that R15 ball….I’m pretty sure he’ll end up with one tomorrow.

Eli has been waiting for this game of chess these holidays

I’m starting to think I’m really bad at teaching chess – poor Eli was in tears at the end. He played a really good game, I gave him lots of help and many chances to rethink moves. But still tears at the end. I think it was partly because he realised there was no way to win, but we still had some moves to make before the final check mate. Those last few moves seemed to destroy his will to live.

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