The thinking spot

Pooh has a thinking spot, and so does Grace. She likes to sit in her thinking spot and "think, think, think," and her thinking spot is where you would take a Pooh (if you get my drift). She has allocated the toilet as her thinking spot, and in the evening's when she is brushing her teeth she likes to close the lid and sit there for a think.

When one of the people collected their Ethical Co-op box today she asked, "What's her name?" "Alet," I replied. Wait for it, you'll never guess what comes next…."Why?" "Because that's what her mommy and daddy called her when she was born, and it stuck." Without pause, "Where did her name get stuck?"

This morning Grace had her posting box out while we were eating breakfast. Donné and Eli were sleeping after a night of waking up every two hours. Grace says, "I'm going to deliver the mail to my mommy who lives in the country of bed."

Grace was going to sleep and she says to Donné, 

"Do you know the red train song mommy?" 
"Do you know the blue train song mommy?"
"Do you know the green train song mommy?"
"Last one, do you know the black train song mommy?"
"Goes like this: Chooka train go round. Now you sing."

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