The queen of the castle

One of the things Grace is learning from school is new ways to play from the other children, and today she learnt a good old favourite. And like so many other things she was on repeat.

"I'm the queen of the castle," over and over, then, "You a dirty rascal," over and over and then together, and apart, and then "I'm a dirty rascal," and did I say over and over?

We were outside and Grace was swinging. She turns to DonnĂ© and points and wags her finger, "You must pack me a healthy snack tomorrow, no sweeties." Now this is quite a surprise, as Grace is pretty much all about the sweeties….although yesterday her definition of a "health snack" was a hot cross bun and a chocolate brownie. And then, continuing with the finger wagging, she says, "Must tell mommy to pack me a healthy snack tomorrow." Ah, so Grace is just channeling a teachers voice.

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