The Mystery of the Reappearing Scissors 

Okay maybe we have too many pairs of scissors in this house or my kids are seriously trying to mess with my mind (probably a bit of both). 

I pack the scissors away in their home in the craft cupboard and they reappear in a variety of interesting places. In my walk around the house today I found a pair in the bathroom,  because you never know when you may need to cut something while brushing your teeth, a pair in Eli’s cupboard and one in the playroom. 

Of course Adam is the finder of all things, and well let’s just say he can smell out things he shouldn’t have; knives, scissors, lipstick, matches, siblings toothbrush etc. 

Having found 3 pairs of scissors on my search I diligently packed them away to keep Adam safe.

I guess the question is what will tomorrow bring?

Yes he is chuffed,  not only did he brush his teeth will Eli’s toothbrush he found a pair of scissors too! 

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