The Last First Time

I can’t believe it, but in 2 months time Adam starts school. You would think 3rd time round I would have this first day of school sorted, but the truth is it still brings so much sadness, feelings of doubt, is it the right time? Will he be okay?

I remember clearly sitting with my wise friend when Grace was about to embark on her school journey, basically in tears, contemplating all of these questions and probably a 100 more when she turned to me and said, ‘DonnĂ© sending your child to school is not child abuse, cigarette burns are, but going to school is not’

I must admit those words have resonated with me and over the years I have shared them with many an anxious ‘sending my kid to school for the first time’ mom.

In truth it definitely doesn’t stop me worrying about my babies but it does help give me some perspective and a feeling that all will be okay. Yes there will be tears and yes I will miss Adam and Adam will miss me, but I know he will be fine and with time enjoy making friends and engaging in school activities, afterall sending him to school isn’t child abuse.

In the mean time, I’ll enjoy these last few precious moments of us time, where we can play, and cuddle, chat and laugh and just be the two of us.

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