The flip side

On the one hand Grace is getting cuter and sweeter, kinder and funnier, more loving and warm, and on the other she is becoming more demanding and moany, challenging and difficult.

It is wonderful to experience the joy of a heartfelt hug, or Grace laughing at something she thinks is, “very funny,” but so frustrating when she tries moaning and crying to get what she wants (as a side note we are now putting her on her bed and telling her that she can come back when she is finished moaning – it works surprisingly well).

It feels like there has been a jump in her emotions, or at least in her ability to express them. Some things are “very funny,” when she hurts herself it is, “very sore,” or she can be, “very sad,” if she is not allowed to watch Dora or when Outsurance decides to change their billboard and the purple piggy bank is no longer there, “very sad, no take away,” (while crying).

It is a bit of an emotional roller coaster, but it really is quite amazing to experience her growth in this area. And the loving cuddles and hugs are good too.

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