The big 10 for Grace

After having Grace give us an update daily for the last week of the number of sleeps to her birthday, today was the day.

It was an early start for everyone this morning with excitement running high and I can truly say Grace wasn’t disappointed. At bedtime tonight she told me that it was her best birthday ever. I think celebrating with family is a special way to turn 10.

Grace got a karaoke machine and well let’s just say we had loud music from early this morning with plenty of singing and dance moves.

The Camelbak she has been wanting for ages was a complete surprise for her and she excitedly tried it on, blew the whistle and filled the water pack.

Grace wanted to go for waffles today so we headed to….

Everyone had lots of fun and ate some delicious sweet and savoury waffles. The boys and Grace had fun playing in the play area and eating waffles.

Eating yummy waffles

Granny and Grandpa had savoury waffles and after Grace tasted theirs she says that her next waffle is definitely going to be savoury.

Always fun to be had with my brother…Well most of the time

The captain and the lifeguard

Lifeguards on duty under the sea in a secret cave

Fun with the grandparents

Because the birthday girl needs photos with everyone

Yes you have clowns for brothers but they love you

And clowns for parents and yes we too love you very much our Gracie Grace

This afternoon Gogo, Grace, Duncan and I played Grace’s new game Ticket to Ride which was lots of fun for all of us. The birthday girl won!

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