The 30 minute tantrum

Dessert….it is clearly worth a 30 minute tantrum.

Grace started asking for dessert after a few mouthfuls of her supper tonight, and just couldn't quite let go. "Want dessert, want dessert, want dessert…" and on she went.

She was eating poorly. being rude (asking for dessert over and over again, moaning with her mouth full, and being generally defiant). Eventually we had had enough and the consequence of all her naughtyness was that there would be no dessert for her.

And then all hell broke loose – kicking, screaming and gnashing of teeth. It went through cycles, something like, 

"Want dessert! Want dessert!" 
"Grace, stop saying that or you're going to go to timeout."
"Want dessert!" screaming this time.
"Okay, let's go to timeout."
Shrieking, as loudly as possible, after which she would mostly calm a bit.

Out she would come and it would all start again. At least as this went on we managed to find it amusing rather than infuriating. And then it got to bath time and it seemed to sink in that dessert was really, really not happening.

At least we stuck to what we had said would happen if she kept behaving so badly, and after her bath it all seemed a distant memory….but I'm sure she'll have a sore throat tomorrow after all that screeching.

Parents 1 : Grace 0……this time at least…..

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