Talking about Ke

We are really enjoying Grace speaking. In the few months Grace has been making leaps and bounds with her speech, and the speech therapy has really made a difference. It has been rewarding working with her and seeing the progress that she has made.

Before we took her for speech therapy we did quite a lot of deliberating – backwards and forwards trying to decide whether we should just wait a bit longer, or if there actually was a problem. It is sometimes difficult to figure out whether you are just worried about something when your child does not follow the "typical" path, or whether there is actually a problem. It is really hard to tell, but I guess that is one of the things about being a parent – judgement, and knowing your child. Sometimes we just need to follow our gut, regardless of what other people are saying.

Grace is now putting some words together and making simple little sentences like, "In da bag," "See soon," and "Its a hat." The speech therapist said her language development is at the right level, and if she did not have the dyspraxia she would be putting full sentences together. She is really impressed with the progress Grace has made, and very complimentary about our little girl and how well she works with her.

I am really glad we have been taking her.

Grace got to continue her Keren obsession today. The first word she said this morning was "potty," and the second word was "Ke." She is super happy to spend time with her much loved aunt.



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