So sleepy

Last week Grace was saying, "Not feel well," quite a bit. We know that it can mean a number of things, from hungry, to tired, to anxious, to actually not feeling well. Often she will also add that she has a sore tummy.

This week it has morphed into a new say, "So sleepy," which is accompanied by, "I feel tired." Grace has never really been one who is big into sleeping, and she still stays awake through her rest time, but there are now two times of day that she clearly does feel a bit sleepy – in the morning and at the end of the day.

This week it feels like the wheels have been coming off for her at the end of the day. She will be happy and bouncing and enjoying her bath, and then suddenly, "I feel tired, so sleepy," and then it is time to get her to bed as fast as possible.

We think it is just school and the adjustment which is putting her brain into overdrive, so she is getting to bed a bit earlier at the moment. What is good to see is that she can now verbalise how she is feeling just a little bit more.

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