Science lesson with Dad

Every Tuesday we have a science lesson. Today’s lesson was about Pulleys. It was a fun lesson and we all enjoyed it!

We made a brick pulley ( at one point the brick fell!)
And then did the writing and the drawing with the poll-ice

It was fun. Other than that it was a pretty chill day. Eli and Dad went on a ride and I did ballet.


  1. Reply
    Lisa W November 10, 2020

    What a fun lesson! I remember learning about pulleys from books when I was a kid, but it was only years later when I was at the museum in PE and there was a huge heavy barrel there with three different ropes for you to test the effect of adding pulleys. With the no pulley rope
    I could hardly budge the big barrel… then I tried the rope with three pulleys and i COULDN’T BELIEVE how little effort I had to use to lift the exact same barrel!! It was incredible!! I loved seeing the science in action… way more fun than just reading about it! And that’s a cool action photo of you! =)

    • Reply
      Donné Drennan November 11, 2020

      Thanks so much!

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