Rest time

Since Grace has stopped sleeping in the day we have introduced a rest time – 45 minutes of quiet time in her bedroom. She can read and play with her toys, but she has to be quiet and stay in her room. Rests have been kind of iffy for a long time now – Grace would only be quiet for a short while, she moaned lots about going to rest, and was just generally difficult around the rests.

Now suddenly the rests have been going better. After lunch today Grace cruises off to her room, closes the curtains and then closes her door. After a minute or two we decided to go and investigate to find Grace lying in bed and holding monkey. She looked at us and said, "Rest time, set timer" with a big smile on her face. Okay, let's embrace it, even if we're expecting her to decide that rest time is over in a few minutes. 45 minutes of silence later and rest time was done. Well done Grace.

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