
Continuing yesterday's thread, our swimming lesson this morning was quite interesting. About a month ago the swimming instructor suggested that we follow a routine of arrive, get dressed, hand Grace over to Charlene, and then I wait outside (where she can see me through the glass) and she has her lesson. We have been following that and it has been going quite well. She has moaned a bit, but engages in all of the swimming exercises.

Today Grace was unhappy about going before we even left. On the way there she kept asking for mommy, and as we got closer the moaning just intensified. As we got ready for the lesson the moaning turned into a bit of a cry, and the cry turned into a sob. Even though my resolve was wavering I stuck to the plan and told her what was going to happen and got on with it. When I handed her to the instructor she was sobbing, but by the time she was in the water everything was fine. She had a good lesson, probably one of the best she has had in the last couple of months. And afterwards she is always calm.

The way I interpret all of this is that she is just trying to get out of something that she does not want to do, and once she is in the water she resigns herself to the activity and actually enjoys it. I think the more we stick to the routine of the swimming lesson, the easier it will get (for all of us).


DonnĂ© gave Grace some flour & water to make a mini-pizza. All Grace heard and said was "minnie, minnie, minnie" – as in Minnie Mouse – so we shaped the dough into a Minnie and decorated it with chocolate drops.


Minnie's eyes, ears, whiskers, and nose.


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