Pizza nights

For a long while now, Friday has been pizza nights in the Drennan household. We make our own pizza’s and Grace enjoys the process – squishing and squashing the dough while kneading, rolling out the pizza and putting on the sauce and toppings. And she always enjoys the bacon that goes on them…..surprise, surprise.

She was never really into eating the pizza and would reject it once done, but recently (as in the last two or three weeks) she has suddenly started to love pizza. She eats it with much gusto and dedication which is a pleasant change from the teeth pulling exercise commonly known as supper that we go through every night. She gets excited about it during the week, “On Friday, eat pizza, watch Glee,” (because Glee music video’s are a part of the pizza ritual).

Tonight she ate her own small pizza, followed by three pieces of our pizza (which is nearly as much as Donné ate) – she certainly surprised us all. Later while we were getting ready for her bath she says to me, “Need to make a poopy. Got sore tummy, ate too much pizza.”

It’s lots of fun to push mom on the swing

One Comment

  1. Reply
    Anonymous May 11, 2012

    Swinging Mom — You should get a hammock, Grace can rock you in that til you doze off! =)

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