Night time “routine”

Our current night time "routine" goes something like this (with the goal of getting Donné the longest block of sleep possible):

Ideally Eli's feeding time coincides with us getting out of the bath, then Donné feeds Eli. Duncan and Eli head for the couch and Eli is snuggled to sleep. Duncan often falls asleep too. Donné peacefully sleeping in bed. Duncan wakes up from power nap with stiff neck. Donné peacefully sleeping in bed. Duncan quickly tries to complete blog post before clock strikes 12. Duncan finishes cleaning kitchen or commences with some work. Eli peacefully asleep on couch, Donné peacefully asleep in bed. Eli get's restless (yay if 5 hours since last feed, boo if only 3 hours). Depending on time, Duncan crashes into bed, Eli is feeding, Donné awake. Donné cuddles Eli to sleep. 3-4 hours and Eli wakes up for more food. Donné feeds, Duncan sleeps. Eli poops. Duncan does sleepy middle of night nappy change (yay if we get through this without being pooped or peed on, boo if it gets so messy that Eli needs a clothes change). Duncan sleeps, Donné feeds and cuddles Eli to sleep. Alarm goes off, Grace comes to say good morning. Let's start the day.

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