Grace and I had a rough start to the afternoon. She had decided that it was time for a haircut…right now….and she does need one, so we decided to embrace the moment and get to the hairdresser. After the hairdresser we were going to go to the gym for a swim. Bags packed, Grace fed, off we go. 2 minutes from home and CRASH. Oh bother. Fortunately we and everyone in the other car are fine. Unfortunately Bob has taken some shots and has bits of car scraping along the front tyre.


Grace seemed to handle it really well. She was calm while we exchanged details and so forth, and was more concerned that we were heading home rather than to the hairdresser. Fortunately it was just a car swap at home and then off to the hairdresser…..who was booked full for the day.

Okay, so Grace was okay with making an appointment another day, but she did keep asking to go to the hairdresser when we got back into the car. Off to gym, ready for some relaxing time swimming. "Um, sir, the leisure pool is closed today as the top step is being fixed." Really?? Okay, now we're getting tears, and Grace wants to go to Canal Walk to swim at the gym there…..which we did….and it was open! And we had a good time.

When we got home Grace says to Donné, "Cars get broken mom, that's just how it is. Bob's broken." (which is not something I said to her). So she seems okay.

This morning Grace had us laughing, we were on our way to get a cup of coffee and she pipes up from the back, "I was just joking, I said it was Minnie in the car, but it is actually Donald, hehehe." Funny little munchkin. 

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