Mr Fact Man

It has been wonderful to watch Eli thrive this year in his class environment. We had our parent teacher meeting earlier this week and we got such amazing feedback. He is confident, able to work independently and is a learning new things daily.

Duncan called him an encyclopedia of knowledge the other day to which Grace answered “no he is more like a 100 interesting facts kind of book”. Grace said “encyclopedias are boring they just go on and on and on. While Eli shares interests facts” that him and his friend Callum have learnt in the day.

Eli finished reading The Enormous Crocodile to me and decided to start the Twits, but lost interest a few days later. So he is now reading The Pop Star Pirates which he is enjoying. He really is starting to enjoy reading and believes he can actually do it.

Building a puzzle together

Practising some cursive writing on the blackboard I made for my handwriting programme.

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