Making the connection

We often say to Grace, “We need to tidy up now else there won’t be time to play later.” Often after supper there is huge dragging of feet to tidy up, children that go into some sort of food induced super hyper mode, and moaning adults going on about tidying up and getting into the bath so that there will be time for stories.

Tonight Grace wanted me to swing her in the hammock before supper. Donné told her to go and tidy up so that there would be time to swing in the hammock later. There was moaning and gnashing of teeth, but she did actually do it and we even had a chance to swing in the hammock before supper. After supper, craziness ensued with Eli and Grace having a huge, super fun game of hide and seek, to the point where Eli was out of breath from running around the house. They then went into a session of bed jumping with lots of laughing which got Eli to the point of his hair being wet with sweat.

Grace then had an “ah-ha!” moment and said, “We got to have some much fun after supper because I tidied up before supper!” Whether the connection will stick still remains to be seen, but at least she had the insight to connect the dots. This would be a good time to make that connection…..just before the baby arrives.

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