Life Lessons

Sometimes you just have to learn the hard way.  Grace had two lessons in learning the hard way today.  The first happened while jumping on the trampoline. Duncan and I both told her to close the zip on the sides of her trampoline because she was jumping high and fast up to the opening stepping out on to the edge and then jumping back in.  She refused to close it and well bounced over the edge and landed on the grass.  Duncan ran to her worried and I know I should have been more concerned, but I couldn't stop myself laughing.  The picture of her bouncing out, was rather cartoon like and will be forever imprinted on my mind.

The second incident happened after we had said goodnight to her.  The last couple of nights Grace has been pushing her bed away from the wall and then squeezing between the bed and the wall.  She was warned that this could end badly but chose to discover for herself just how badly.  Her crying and unhappiness sent Duncan to investigate, when he got to her room she was gone (she could be heard, but not seen) she had clearly pushed the bed away from the floor and had ended up rolling off the bed and was lying squished between the bed and the wall.  I found this little incident rather amusing too, watching her crawl out from under the bed, complaining of a sore cheek and sore tummy!

Sometimes the only way life makes sense is to experience it yourself


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