It’s Neurope!

Grace and Donné were having a dispute over the weekend. The continent song (sung to the tune of Love and Marriage) goes,

North America, South America (clap)
Europe, Africa, and Asia,
Don’t forget Antarctica,
Or way down under in Australia.

but Grace sings, "Nora, Africa and Asia." Donné was telling her that the words are "Europe, Africa and Asia," but Grace was having none of that, "That’s not Neurope! We sing Nora, Africa and Asia."

Then, on Sunday morning I was getting ready and Grace was singing the song to Eli. When she finished she said to him, "Mommy sings Neurope, but I sing Nora."

Today she has been home for a while and suddenly and excitedly says to Donné, "We sung Neurope today!"

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