It was a great day

A special day today: Grace's first day at school and Donné's birthday.

The birthday girl strikes a pose 


It all started out with the drop off for the first official day of school.


School went really well. There were some tears when we dropped Grace off, but off she went for a swing and it seemed like she settled quickly.

Fitting into the class


We fetched her at about 10h30, so roughly 2 hrs of school and everyone was pleased with that for the first day. Some tears over spilled yogurt, but nothing serious. "Grace how was school?" "It was a great day!" We'll take that as a sign that things went well. Drawing, pouring (rice and water), playing with play dough and swinging.

What's a birthday without sushi? Probably not a Drennan birthday. After that we went on to spend some time in the sun on a beautiful winter's day. 5 years of beautiful sunny winter days of birthdays for Donné.

Feeding the ducks at the dam


Grace taking photos


The clan


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