
Being 20 months old can be tough on the body….not that Grace is a hooligan – if anything she is quite placid – but she does seem to injure herself in spells. The past week or so went something like this…

She first bumped her cheek in the bathroom (either on her pram, or the corner of the bath) and had a small bruise on her cheek. While Donné was making her tutu she decided that diving into the tulle was loads of fun…at least until she dived cheek first into the floor (same cheek). So that bruise grew a bit. On Friday she walked out the door with a book in her hands and decided to forget that there were stairs to negotiate. Fortunately nothing serious, just a scratch on her nose. That same night she managed to gouge a hole in her face just below her eye while sleeping (too much face rubbing, and uncut nails…needless to say her nails were cut the next day). On Sunday she fell on some paving in our back garden and gave herself the biggest scrape on her knee that she has had to date. And finally today she managed to bump her lip on her scooter. Hopefully we are all done for now.

There was one other first yesterday – first time to draw on the wall with a crayon. Hopefully also the last…

Nose scratch, eye scratch and lip bump (the cheek bruise is fading)


Knee scratch


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