In the end it will be okay

It is just 8 weeks (or less!) to go until our little lad joins us in the world, and I'm feeling quite stressed about it. I am working pretty hard at the moment and am concerned about how life will change once he joins us. I know from experience that life does change significantly, and that it can be quite challenging at times. I am hoping (oh please Lord!) that somehow we will have learnt a bit from the last 3 years of parenting which might help us out a bit, but I do know that he is going to be an entirely different child to Grace and we also have to look after her well at the same time.

My worry is that I am going to struggle to be the kind of parent that I want to be, as well as deliver a great service to my customers. I don't really know how it is going to work out, but I do know that we'll make it through it and in the end everything will be okay.

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