The handy helper

Eli loves fetching things for people. Every morning when I get out of bed, I first take him to the potty, and then go back to fetch my clothes which lie next to my side of the bed. After Eli is done, and while I’m busy sorting out the potty he rushes back to the room and starts carrying my clothes, slippers or phone through to me.

This morning he was very sweet with Grace. She asked him to get her a pink crayon, and off he zoots at high speed, down the passage and to her room and then comes zooting back with a tin full of kokis. She says, “No Eli, I want a pink crayon,” so off he goes at top speed and then comes back with a pencil. “No Eli, that’s not a pink crayon,” so off he goes again catching a speed wobble along the way and comes back with a single koki (I didn’t see what colour). “No Eli, a pink crayon.” Off he goes again, but by this time I had taken the crayon tin off the shelf to help him out, so at least he finally made it back with a pink crayon. He had a big smile on his face the whole time, excited to be helping his sis’.

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