Grace’s comments of the holiday

I was busy clearing dog poop so that I could put the slip ‘n slide down, and Grace says to me, “Why are you collecting poo?” and I say, “To throw it away, Grace.” Always on the ball with her comebacks she says, “In Eli’s nappy!” Hmm, no….not quite.

Eli threw Grace’s hat into the small pool and then wandered into her room with the wet hat. Grace closes the doors and says, “He’s got a consequence – he stays in here until we go to the beach.”

Grace comes into the bathroom with just about all her clips in her hair, her hair tousled and a big smile on her face, “I look so stylish!” she says and flicks her hair with her hand.

I needed to go and get something from the shops and knew Grace would want to come, but she wasn’t allowed to do anything or go anywhere until her hair was done. So I say to her, “Grace, would you like to come with? You just need to have your hair done.” She is still resisting and says no, so off Eli and I go. When we get back Donné has a story to tell. As soon as we were out the gate Grace realises what happens and starts crying that she wants to go with, but Donné told her that it was too late. She goes down the passage to her room moaning, “I thought that was the case! It’s all my fault.”

Eli went around this morning finding things to dress himself in


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