Going PE

Grace is ready….she has been ready just about all day. Maybe the excitement is why she did not want to sleep today. When we said we needed to go to Tyger Valley quickly she said, "No going Tidy Baggie, going PE," (which Grace pronounces as "pee" not P-E).

Tomorrow we fly to PE for the start of our holiday (well, I'll be working until Friday, but Grace and Donné will be on holiday). Grace is really keen to get going so I had to explain to her what will be happening until we get there. I ran through the whole process, and this is how Grace summarises it…

"Morning!" (said in her chirpy, "Good morning," voice)
"Cander" (which means she gets to have a chocolate from her advent calendar)
"Going PE!!!"

We will be in PE from tomorrow until Friday, and then spending time at my folks house in J-Bay until Christmas. After that we will probably be between the two until we come home on the 30th.

One Comment

  1. Reply
    Anonymous December 15, 2011

    Wave to PE for me!

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