Gog bubbles

Yesterday my cousin Leslie and her lovely family came to visit. She has two beautiful girls, Chloë & Robyn, who adore Grace and during their playing Grace managed to spill the last of her bubble mix. Yesterday morning we were going to get some more bubble mix and Grace saw some bubbles with a picture of a dog on them which she wanted, but we had decided to get them some other time. When she spilled the mix I said, "Don't worry Grace, we'll get you some more bubbles tomorrow," to which she answered, "Gog!" (meaning the dog bubbles).

With all the blowing exercises we have been doing with her she has become quite attached to her bubbles, so we made her some bubble mix with dishwashing liquid last night, but this morning she kept reminding us about the dog bubbles. So off we went to the shops with her adamantly saying "Gog!" We had to get a few things along the way and each time we went into a store she would shout, "Gog, gog, gog, gog, gog!"

We didn't find dog bubbles, but she did have lots of fun blowing bubbles today.

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