Girls: 1 Boys: 1….which way will it go?

13 weeks pregnant and looking forward to meeting the new little Drennan and growing the love in our family.


Grace & Eli’s reaction to hearing the news of their new little sibling


  1. Reply
    Lisa W April 27, 2015

    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! and secondly, HOW STINKING CUTE are your kids reactions!! hahaha, I liked your “whew” re only one being in your tummy Donne! and glad to hear you’re getting your Omega 3s from all those eggs!!

  2. Reply
    jaxunds April 27, 2015

    Brilliant reactions!!!! Congratulations – so exciting!

  3. Reply
    emily April 28, 2015

    You have got super cute kids! Just love them to bits ❤️ Excited to meet nr.3
    Good luck with your second trimester

  4. Reply
    emily April 30, 2015

    You have got super cute kids! Just love them to bits ❤️ Excited to meet nr.3
    Good luck with your second trimester

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