Getting bigger

There are little things which make you realise your child is growing up and becoming a little bit more independent. In our case, Grace is getting much better at brushing her teeth on her own (still needs a second sweep of the teeth just to be sure), washing herself entirely independently (and has been able to for a while), blowing her nose properly (yes, really properly….”big daddy blows”….something which has really felt like it has taken forever to get right), and chewing her food (which she has never really done much of). Little things, but all little reminders of how big she is getting.

Grace has developed a sudden particular love of Coco, and is quite happy if she can pick her up and walk around with her. Today she says, “I hid Coco,”…..which means, “I locked Coco in the cupboard.” No Grace, that’s not a nice way to play.




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