Getting back in the saddle

Seeing your daughter fall out of a swing is terrible and gut wrenching. We went for a swing this morning and everything was going well until I did something stupid and sung a song which involved clapping hands and kicking feet. Grace clapped her hands, leant forward and kicked her feet, and fell straight out of the swing and onto her face (onto ground, not concrete). Fortunately other than what I suspect was a bad headache and a small mark on her head where she fell she does not seem to have sustained any major injuries. We were worried that we might need to take her to the doctor, but she got a bit more energy as the day went on. We will keep an eye on her and see how she is doing tomorrow.

One thing I was happy about was they she was quite content to get back into the swing, and also wanted to go swing more later in the day. Fortunately the fall has not seemed to create any fear of swinging….but swinging is one of her favourite activities.

It is so easy to make an error of judgement and wind up with your child face down in the dirt. I know that I will make more mistakes as we go along, I just hope that all they require is a dusting off and lots of care and attention for a day or two.

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