Father’s day

It seems that going on holiday might elicit a particular response from Grace – she wakes up in the middle of the night and stays awake for two hours. The last time I can remember her doing something like this was when we were away in Yzerfontein. It went something like this:

02h30…Grace wakes up crying, take her to the toilet, back to sleep. About 30 minutes later, awake again crying….this time a lot more awake than she should be in the middle of the night. Doesn't go back to sleep easily, clearly something wrong. Provide pain medication. Rock for a while. Get a bit wound up that pain medication does not seem to be having an effect. Wifey tells hubby to move cot and baby to our bedroom. Drag cot across to room. At least the guard dogs did not wake up. Then a great struggle ensues. Every time she falls asleep she is down for about 5-10 minutes before waking up crying. Dad blames teeth. Mom worried she is sick. Both are concerned. Struggle continues until somewhere between 04h30 and 05h00. Then after much rocking and walking to and fro, baby asleep. Stays sleeping. Dad sleeping, mom lying awake for at least 30 minutes. Sleep. Wake at 08h00 (at least she slept in a bit). When day sleep time comes, great struggle ensues. Tired baby does not go to sleep. Weary parents. Night time sleep comes, straight to sleep, phew.

I'm guessing Grace is not really into the whole father's day thing.

Grace's artistic rendering of her dad (she made it very clear that this was dad)

Grandpa helping Grace blow bubbles

Puzzle upgrade


  1. Reply
    Stefan van der Walt June 20, 2011

    Dad does resemble a blue dog, doesn’t he? 🙂

  2. Reply
    Duncan Drennan June 21, 2011

    I thought I looked a bit like a blue koala bear. Should probably shave sometime…

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