Everybody poops

Grace settled in today and had some good time with Gogo and Gramps. What was very cool is that Grace got to meet my aunt and uncle Pat & Gary. Being who she is Pat brought along one of her favourite children’s books, “Everybody poops,” which Grace really enjoyed…she enjoyed it so much that we had to read it twice before bed time.

The book is literal, but I think the sentiment, “Everybody poops,” is a life lesson that I may need to teach Grace one day. The lesson would be about how we’re all actually the same. No matter how rich or famous or idolized you are, we all still need to poop.

DonnĂ©’s slipper got buried by one of the dogs but Gramps was fortunately able to divine the spot where it had been hidden.

Grace has also been showing signs of jumping over the last few days. Today she was enjoying “jumping” (more like stepping) off the deck outside the house.

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