Eli turns 4

Today was Eli’s birthday!

The day started early with birthday present opening. He took much joy in telling everyone exactly what he got today: a train track, a toolbox, a saw, and a book (What the ladybird heard next), as well as the woodworking station we made over the weekend.


With saw in hand, off he went to do some sawing at his woodwork bench

We had his birthday circle at school


Walking around the sun, once for each year of his life


Gingerbread men for his birthday circle


He wanted to go for a hike in the nature reserve, so we spent the afternoon having a lovely walk together.



For supper we had his favourite meal, wraps with chilli, and then finished it off with some ice cream.

A great day celebrating the life of our amazing Eli.

One Comment

  1. Reply
    Lisa W September 21, 2016

    What a lovely day!

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