Early to bed

"Daddy, daddy." It is the usual morning call, but something was amiss this morning. Grace had turned her light on and was calling for me, but looking at the clock, 4am is a little bit early to start the day, especially for a little girl who had a fever the night before (and was still feeling a bit warm). "Grace it's still sleep time." Turn off the light, back to bed. By the third round of this I ended up lying with her which kept her quiet but she never really went back to sleep.

After breakfast I'm busy tidying up and I get a text message, "I think she is sleeping and I am trapped." Off to investigate and there is Grace passed out in our bed lying on top of Donné's arm. We carefully extract the arm so that it doesn't have to be chewed off. Time check: 08h45.

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealth and wise……Grace's application might be a little bit extreme.

Fortunately noodle was feeling better, much more herself and full of energy by the end of the day.

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