Daddy daycare

DonnĂ© had her busy bag swap today and I took Grace & Jack for a trip to the aquarium….my first time looking after two children at the same time. I was expecting it to be challenging, but fortunately it went really well and both of them were really well behaved.


I was surprised at how many things we actually managed to look at, but they were both enjoying the looking at the fishies, pushing buttons and touching starfish. One thing is for sure – potty trips are a lot more cramped with three people in a cubicle.

We stopped at the penguins for snack time and as we were on our way out all the Rockhopper penguins were being led along the path to their enclosure which Grace was enthralled by (while I had to keep my eyes going in two directions to make sure I didn't loose anyone).


After snack time it was a rapid descent to the play area, with Grace ready to watch some Dora, and Jack ready to play a bit. Grace went in the big slide for the first time (a twirly tunnel slide), which went pretty well, with her coming back to go quite few times before having a moment and getting "stuck" in the middle (which ended well).

The cutest was when I put them into their car seats to go home – they reached over to each other and held hands for the first 5 minutes of the trip back. Grace didn't want me to take a photo (hence the face), but I did manage to snap a shot. Not quite as cute and peaceful as the real thing.


All in all, a really good and fun visit, and on the way back, after listening to Mika's Lollipop, Jack says, "That was a good song."

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