Copy cat

Grace has been quickly picking up on the things people say and copying them later. Today in the car Donné asks her how her day was, "Good," and then asked her what it was that made it good, to which she replied, "Stop irritating me – don't ask so many questions." Echoes of Donné at the end of a long day when Grace is peppering her with questions.

Later she was in her room having group time with her soft toys and she starts singing a song, stops and says, "Why am I the only one singing?" which I'm pretty sure comes from a teacher at school. It is also totally reasonable to expect the soft toys to sing along.


Catch! Grace's throwing has improved, but catching still has a long way to go.



Eli was loving his bath sitting up in the ring instead of lying down. We gave him some bath toys which Grace immediately wanted. When we said no she waits a while and then says, "Maybe one will float away, then I can have it." Tricksy little hobbit.


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