Coffee kick

Last week Sunday we spent the morning at a friends house and the rest of the day was pretty uneventful. At bed time Eli was saying his feet were cold, but a hot water bottle sorted that out. Later in the night though, things started to get strange.

Eli was calling out in his sleep, dreaming and being pretty restless. It is unusual, but he does have nights when he dreams and is a bit restless. A the night went on though, the intensity turned up a bit.

Eli called out quite a few times in his sleep, and the one time I went to him and he said, “The bed is wet, the bed is wet.” I felt around, wondering if a hot water bottle had suddenly started to leak. Nothing. He was rubbing hit feet together, and being very restless. In the end I went and lay with him.

The next day Donné was speaking to the friend we had visited and her boys had had exactly the same type of night. Her one son was blowing on his hand saying it was hot, and it was a crazy dreamy night.

They realised that the common factor for all the boys was some biscotti which another friend had brought that had ground coffee in them. A quick internet search on the affects of caffeine on young children and everything started to fall into place. They had all eaten some of the biscotti, and all had a caffeine fuelled restless night.

It was interesting. The exact effects were surprising, but certainly interesting.

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