Cleaning out

I'm definitely not a neat freak, but I am also not a hoarder. I can throw / give away things, or recycle, without feeling a sense of loss, but I do tend to pack things away / shove things into cupboards, because maybe it will come in handy one day. The result is messy cupboards, messy desk etc. It eventually really frustrates me and I throw things away.  Anything I haven't needed / used in the last year tends to go.  

Today was one of those cleaning out days and it was most satisfying because we got to take all our electronic rubbish to an e-waste recycling bin. I find electronic stuff that no longer works (like old computer screens, broken toasters, video recorders etc) to be the most frustrating items, we don't give them away because they're broken, and we don't throw them away so they just gather dust and create clutter in my life. It really was most rewarding throwing all the broken electronic goodies in the recycling bin and my home feels a little less messy.

Grace reading in the car. It makes me feel sick watching her, but she doesn't seem to have my motion sickness problems and quite enjoys it.


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