Book worms

Grace is currently a little bookworm, reading at just about any chance she gets. When she is up early in the morning…maybe I should rephrase that…she is up early every morning and she sits and reads most mornings before breakfast. We went to the library this evening to get some new books, and after supper she sits down and gets reading. I don’t really have a good sense of how long she read for, but there is not usually lots of time between supper and bath time, but today was a bit longer. We were busy with Adam and she says, “I finished the book.” I say to her, “Really?” surprised she was done already, “What was it about?” She then tells me all about how the fairy had a pet horse and Jack Frost wanted a pet and so he stole the horse, but then the fairy told him that you don’t choose a pet, the pet chooses you, and then a swan chose him and he had a pet (although looking at the book, it was actually a snow goose).

The book worms


To give context, here is what the book looks like


This was clearly the look Adam was going for today



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