Blue Point Park?

Today was our monthly get together and we decided to take advantage of the beautiful sunny winter day and headed to Green Point Park for a picnic, tea and play time in the park. Yesterday I told Grace that we were going to see our friends and she kept on calling it  "Pink Point Park."  In the car on our way to the park she kept on saying that we were going to Pink Point Park and I kept on correcting her.  At one stage she turned around and said "Blue Point Park" with a very naughty look on her face – I got the message after that and let her call it whatever she wanted to.

It was lovely to watch Grace play in the park today. She has always been rather sensitive about children and adults who she does not know being in her space, but today she played with not a care in the world with the other 30+ children and their parents.  She even asked another mom for help when she got stuck and didn't mind her lifting her up.  I know it may seem small and insignificant but for Grace this is big and it made my heart warm to see her playing confidently and independently with other children around, instead of staying close to me and crying whenever someone she doesn't know comes near her.  All these little steps makes me think that Grace is going to settle into her new school next term and really enjoy it.

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