Birds, ladders and baths

What can I say another relaxing day in Jeffrey's.  We went out for breakfast this morning, a short walk on the beach, some sliding down a slide and then the rest of the day was spent relaxing at home.  

After Duncan used the ladder yesterday (to see how many eggs were in the turtle doves nest), Grace decided that ladder climbing would be fun. Since she had done this before at friends of ours, there was no stopping her until she was physically tired of climbing.  Thank you Gramps for having a cool ladder! 


Such a naughty face – and just note I am always unbuttoning my jersey


There is a turtle dove that is nesting outside and Grace has decided it is her bird. She is fascinated with the bird and checks on her at regular intervals during the day.  Yesterday she flew out of the nest for a moment and Duncan lifted Grace up to see if there were any eggs.  When he asked she said yes and "two."   Duncan then had a look and saw that there were indeed two little eggs.


Duncan noticed that the turtle dove was eating food from the nearby bird feeder so they filled the feeder to make sure she didn't get hungry while sitting on her nest 


Putting some seed out for the other birds.  I think Gramps may have found a new little bird feeder helper


Duncan and Grace being silly after a bath


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