Ballet and noses

Grace went to her first ballet lesson today! After watching last week she was really excited so we got hold of the instructor to organise for her to join. When I chatted to her she said that Grace was interested last week, but would turn away and say no when she encouraged Grace to join in. I told her how excited she was, so we decided to see how it went in the last two lessons of the term.

Off she went to school today with her tutu, leotard, tights and ballet shoes, and went to the ballet lesson and did everything in the class. Grace didn't really speak about it, but Crystal (the assistant at the school) let Donné know that the instructor said she did everything.

I also got my first daddy bloody nose today. Grace wanted to read the story tonight, so I was listening to her version of Tinker and Tanker. It is a really old book and the spine in falling apart, particularly at the back, so when we headed towards the end I told Grace that I wanted to hold it so that it wouldn't fall apart. Grace protested and in an unnecessary tantrum threw herself back…..planting her head straight onto my nose. It was pretty sore (but not bleeding), and had me holding my nose for a while. When I blew my nose later though…well….let's just say it was a bloody mess. Appropriate disciplinary action was taken.

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