An unexpected fly-by

I was sitting at my desk talking to a colleague on the phone and I see something outside drifting past my window. Looks like a balloon, but I didn't see Donné and Grace outside and it was a bit windy to play with balloons outside. Hmmm, a rather longish balloon with a particular pointy bit on the end. That's when I had to stop the conversation due to my laughter and explain to my colleague that a condom balloon had just floated past my door. Not too sure where it came from, but definitely unexpected. A minute or two later there was more laughter as it popped and sent a cat flying in fear.

Grace has started talking about children at school that she likes, "Hannah, Emma, Christina, and someone with a very tricky name." I wasn't too sure who she meant and later it came out that she was talking about Willow….those L's in the middle…

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